Government authorizes import of up to 1 million tons of rice to cover shortages in RS

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The federal government published a provisional measure that authorizes the National Supply Company (Conab) to import up to 1 million tons of rice to replenish the public stock and stabilize food prices in the face of the impacts caused by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, responsible for 70% of national grain production.

According to the MP published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) on Thursday (9), imported stocks will preferably be destined for sale to small retailers in metropolitan regions, without the need for auctions on commodity exchanges or public bidding. for direct sales.

The import, scheduled for the 2024 financial year, will cover milled or paddy rice. The Ministries of Agrarian Development, Finance and Agriculture will determine the quantity to be purchased, as well as the limits and conditions for selling the product.

“The stocks will be destined, preferably, for sale to small retailers in metropolitan regions, eliminating the need for auctions on commodity exchanges or public bidding for direct sales”, says an excerpt from the measure.

According to the National Federation of Rice Producers, the country’s supply is guaranteed with 82% of this year’s crop already harvested, equivalent to almost 6.5 million tons.

The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) warned on Tuesday (7) appossibility of importing rice and beans due to rains in Rio Grande do Sulaiming to ensure affordable prices for the population.

In response to the concerns of local producers, the Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, stated that imports are not intended to compete with farmers in Rio Grande do Sul and ruled out any risk of shortages or excessive price increases. “Conab will not import rice and sell it to wholesalers, who are buyers of farmers’ products,” he said.

This Thursday (9), the president reinforced the need to import rice, indicating that the products will come from neighboring countries. Lula highlighted concern about the high prices of grain in supermarkets and announced measures to reduce costs, prioritizing the accessibility of essential foods for the Brazilian population.

“I’m a little pissed off because the other day I saw a 5-kilo package of rice for R$33 on the market shelf. I said, no. It is not normal. Poor people cannot pay R$33 for a 5-kilogram package of rice. Today, we are sending a measure to comrade Lira (Arthur Lira, president of the Chamber) to put to a vote. We will have to import rice from Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina so that we can lower the price of rice and beans in this country, which is essential food for the people,” he said during a ceremony in Alagoas.

According to the most recent bulletin from the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul released this Friday morning (10), the state already has 113 deaths resulting from the floods, with one death still under investigation.

In total, the tragedy affects 435 of the 497 municipalities, affecting 1.9 million people. Of these, 406.8 thousand are away from home, with 69.6 thousand in shelters and 337.1 thousand in the homes of relatives and friends.

The Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul also points out that there are 146 people missing, and 756 injured as a result of the floods.

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